Major Numbers

If a file system on a volume group is shared for NFS, make sure that the volume group is imported with the same major number. The volume group is imported on all of the nodes in the cluster.

To view a list of available major numbers on the system, enter the lvlstmajor command. For example:

    # lvlstmajor
      49, 60 ...

To import volume group vg00 with major number 60, enter:

   # importvg -V 60 -y vg00 hdisk3

To view the major number that is assigned to a volume group, use the ls command with the -l option. For example:

    # ls -l /dev/vg00
    crw-r-----   1 root     system    60,  0 Apr  2 16:05 /dev/vg00

Assign the same major number to the volume group on each system in the cluster. Specify this major number in the MajorNumber attribute of the LVMVG configuration.


Do not specify the V option in the ImportvgOpt attribute string, the agent specifies this option.