Basic IPv6 configuration for DNS agent

This sample configuration provides basic configuration for IPv6 support. In the following configuration, nic_value represents the base NIC value for the platform

For example: en0

group ipv6_group_dns (
    SystemList = { sysA = 0, sysB = 1 }

    DNS ipv6group_dns_res (
        Critical = 0
        Domain = ""
        TSIGKeyFile = "/var/tsig/"
        StealthMasters = { "2001:db8:c18:2:69c4:3251:bac1:6cbe" }
        ResRecord = {
            vcssysCv6 = "2001:db8:c18:2:214:4fff:fe96:8833",
            sysC = vcssysCv6 }

    IP ipv6group_ip_res (
        Device @sysA = nic_value
        Device @sysB = nic_value
        Address = "2001:db8:c18:2:214:4fff:fe96:8833"
        PrefixLen = 64

    NIC ipv6group_nic_res (
        Device @sysA = nic_value
        Device @sysB = nic_value
        NetworkHosts = { "2001:db8:c18:2:214:4fff:fea2:fd50" }
Protocol = IPv6

    ipv6group_dns_res requires ipv6group_ip_res
    ipv6group_ip_res requires ipv6group_nic_res