IPv6 configuration for AIX

While the NotifierMngr resource can work without the NIC resource, Veritas recommends this dependency.

If the "en0" is a virtual device on AIX, then the NetworkHosts attribute is required, otherwise this resource takes an UNKNOWN state.

group ClusterService (
    SystemList = { sysA = 0, sysB = 1 }
    AutoStartList = { sysA, sysB }
    OnlineRetryLimit = 3
    OnlineRetryInterval = 120

    NIC csgnic (
        Device = en0           
        NetworkHosts = {"fe80::88c4:e0ff:fe00:c002"}

    NotifierMngr ntfr (
        SnmpConsoles = { "3ffe:556::1000:5761" = SevereError }
        SmtpServer = "sample.domain.com"
        SmtpRecipients = { "user@domain.com" =
        SevereError }
        ntfr requires csgnic