New High Availability agents for Amazon Web Services (AWS)

(Linux only)

Veritas has introduced two high availability agents for AWS:

Both these agents are bundled with the product.

AWSIP agent

The AWSIP agent manages the networking resources in an Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud environment. The agent uses AWS CLIs to associate IP resources in an AWS cloud environment. The agent does the following:

AWSRoute53 agent

The AWSRoute53 agent updates and monitors the host name to IP address mapping. The agent does the mapping for the AWS Route 53 domain while failing over nodes across subnets. When you create a hosted zone, Amazon Route 53 automatically creates a name server (NS) record and a start of authority (SOA) record for the zone.

Use the AWSRoute53 agent if the Resource Records need to be dynamically added and deleted from the Route 53 domain during failover. The agent updates the new resource record mappings while failing over and allows the clients to connect to the failed over instance of the application.

For more information, see the Cluster Server Bundled Agents Reference Guide - Linux.