Recovering a failed site if a new node is assigned as the target

The following procedure recovers a failed site if a new node is assigned as the target.

To recover a failed site if a new node is assigned as the target

  1. Stop the faulted job from the new source:
    # vfradmin job stop [-n] job_name mntpt

    where job_name is the name of the replication job that you want to stop and mntpt is the mount point of the system on which the replication job is currently running.

  2. Create a new job:
    # vfradmin job create [-p tgt_port] [-s|-t] [-d 0|1]
    [-c none|xor] [-n] [-g cgrp_name] job_name
    src_addr src_mntpt tgt_addr tgt_mntpt freq
  3. Start the new replication job:
    # vfradmin job start job_name mntpt

    where job_name is the name of the replication job that you want to start and mntpt is the mount point on the source system.