Determining if a LUN is in a shareable disk group

The vxdisk utility manages Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) disks. To use the vxdisk utility to determine whether a LUN is part of a cluster-shareable disk group, use the following command:

# vxdisk list accessname

where accessname is the disk access name (or device name).

For example, a portion of the output from this command (for the device sde) is shown here:

Device:     sde
devicetag:  sde
type:       auto
clusterid:  cvm2
disk:       name=shdg01 id=963616090.1034.cvm2
timeout:    30
group:      name=shdg id=963616065.1032.cvm2
flags:      online ready autoconfig shared imported

Note that the clusterid field is set to cvm2 (the name of the cluster), and the flags field includes an entry for shared. The imported flag is only set if a node is a part of the cluster and the disk group is imported.