Sample 1 uses the cfsshare command to add a CFS file system to VCS configuration

This sample is intended to use the cfsshare command to add a CFS file system to VCS configuration and mount them. Then share them through NFS, unshare, unmount, and remove the CFS file systems from VCS configuration.

To configure Clustered NFS (Sample 1)

  1. Configure a VCS configuration for CFS/CVM, enter:
    # cfscluster config
  2. Configure the CNFS components, enter:
    # cfsshare config -p nfs shared_disk_group shared_volume mount_point

    For example:

    # cfsshare config -p nfs cfsdg vollocks /locks
  3. Add and mount the NFS shared CFS file system to the VCS configuration, enter:
    # cfsshare add [-D] shared_disk_group shared_volume mount_point \
    [share_options] all=[mount_options]

    For example:

    # cfsshare add cfsdg vol1 /mnt1 all=rw
  4. Add the virtual IP addresses for users to access the shared CFS file systems, enter:
    # cfsshare addvip [ -a nodename ] \
    network_interface address netmask

    For example:

    # cfsshare addvip eth0 \
  5. Delete a previously added virtual IP address from the configuration, enter:
    # cfsshare deletevip address

    For example:

    # cfsshare deletevip
  6. Unshare, unmount, and remove the CFS file system from the VCS configuration, enter:
    # cfsshare delete mount_point

    For example:

    # cfsshare delete /mnt1
  7. Unconfigure CNFS components, enter:
    # cfsshare unconfig -p nfs