About attributes and cluster objects

VCS has the following types of attributes, depending on the cluster object the attribute applies to:

Cluster attributes

Attributes that define the cluster.

For example, ClusterName and ClusterAddress.

Service group attributes

Attributes that define a service group in the cluster.

For example, Administrators and ClusterList.

System attributes

Attributes that define the system in the cluster.

For example, Capacity and Limits.

Resource type attributes

Attributes that define the resource types in VCS.

These resource type attributes can be further classified as:

  • Type-independent

    Attributes that all agents (or resource types) understand. Examples: RestartLimit and MonitorInterval; these can be set for any resource type.

    Typically, these attributes are set for all resources of a specific type. For example, setting MonitorInterval for the IP resource type affects all IP resources.

  • Type-dependent

    Attributes that apply to a particular resource type. These attributes appear in the type definition file (types.cf) for the agent.

    Example: The Address attribute applies only to the IP resource type.

    Attributes defined in the file types.cf apply to all resources of a particular resource type. Defining these attributes in the main.cf file overrides the values in the types.cf file for a specific resource.

    For example, if you set StartVolumes = 1 for the DiskGroup types.cf, it sets StartVolumes to True for all DiskGroup resources, by default. If you set the value in main.cf , it overrides the value on a per-resource basis.

  • Static

    These attributes apply for every resource of a particular type. These attributes are prefixed with the term static and are not included in the resource's argument list. You can override some static attributes and assign them resource-specific values.

Resource attributes

Attributes that define a specific resource.

Some of these attributes are type-independent. For example, you can configure the Critical attribute for any resource.

Some resource attributes are type-dependent. For example, the Address attribute defines the IP address that is associated with the IP resource. These attributes are defined in the main.cf file.

Site attributes

Attributes that define a site.

For example, Preference and SystemList.

More Information

Overriding resource type static attributes