Static load versus dynamic load

Dynamic load is an integral component of the Service Group Workload Management framework. Typically, HAD sets remaining capacity with the function:

AvailableCapacity = Capacity - (sum of Load values of all online service groups)

If the DynamicLoad attribute is defined, its value overrides the calculated Load values with the function:

AvailableCapacity = Capacity - DynamicLoad

This enables better control of system loading values than estimated service group loading (static load). However, this requires setting up and maintaining a load estimation package outside VCS. It also requires modifying the configuration file manually.

Note that the DynamicLoad (specified with hasys -load) is subtracted from the Capacity as an integer and not a percentage value. For example, if a system's capacity is 200 and the load estimation package determines the server is 80 percent loaded, it must inform VCS that the DynamicLoad value is 160 (not 80).