Adding volumes to an application volume group

You can add volumes to an existing application volume group. Ensure that you select a volume from within the disk group. It must not belong to any other application volume group. VxVM tags the new volume with the name of the application volume group and the corresponding maximum IOPS value.

You can use the vxvolgrp command to add volumes to an application volume group.

See the vxvolgrp(1M) manual page.

For example, to add volumes to the application volume group logvol_grp:

# vxvolgrp -g oradg addvol logvol_grp \
logvol3 logvol4
# vxvolgrp -g oradg list logvol_grp
Volume Group:                   logvol_grp
volume(s):                      logvol1 logvol2 logvol3 logvol4
volume group attributes:        maxiops=1200