Cloning a CP server

Cloning a CP server greatly reduces the time and effort of assigning a new CP server to your cluster. Since the cloning replicates the existing CP server, you are saved from running the vxfenswap utilities on each node connected to the CP server. Therefore, you can perform the CP server maintenance without much hassle.

In this procedure, the following terminology is used to refer to the existing and cloned CP servers:

Prerequisite: Before cloning a CP server, make sure that the existing CP server cps1 is up and running and fencing is configured on at least one client of cps1 in order to verify that the client can talk to cps2 .

To clone the CP server (cps1):

  1. Install and configure Cluster Server (VCS) on the system where you want to clone cps1.

    Refer the InfoScale Installation Guide for procedure on installing the Cluster Server

  2. Copy the cps1 database and UUID to the system where you want to clone cps1. You can copy the database and UUID from /etc/VRTScps/db.
  3. Copy CP server configuration file of cps1 from /etc/vxcps.conf to the target system for cps2.
  4. Copy the CP server and fencing certificates and keys on cps1 from /var/VRTScps/security and /var/VRTSvxfen/security directories respectively to the target system for cps2.
  5. Copy of cps1 to the target system for cps2 at /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/
  6. On the target system for cps2, stop VCS and perform the following in
    • Replace all the instances of system name with cps2 system name.

    • Change the device attribute under NIC and IP resources to cps2 values.

  7. Copy /opt/VRTScps/bin/ from cps1 to the target cps2 system.
  8. Offline CP server service group if it is online on cps1.
    # /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hagrp  -offline CPSSG -sys <cps1>
  9. Start VCS on the target system for cps2. The CP server service group must come online on target system for cps2 and the system becomes a clone of cps1.
    # /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hastart
  10. Run the following command on cps2 to verify if the clone was successful and is running well.
    # cpsadm -s <server_vip> -a ping_cps
    CPS INFO V-97-1400-458 CP server successfully pinged
  11. Verify if the Co-ordination Point agent service group is Online on the client clusters.
    # /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hares -state
    Resource           Attribute  System   Value
    RES_phantom_vxfen  State      system1  ONLINE
    coordpoint         State      system1  ONLINE
    # /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hagrp -state
    Group           Attribute      System	  Value
    vxfen           State	         system1  |ONLINE|


The cloned cps2 system must be in the same subnet of cps1. Make sure that the port (default 443) used for CP server configuration is free for cps2).