About the entry point timeouts

Use the AEPTimeout attribute to append the timeout value for a particular entry point.

This feature does not apply to pre-V50 agents.

If you set AEPTimeout to 1, the agent framework passes the timeout value for an entry point as an argument for the entry point in the name-value tuple format.

The name of the attribute that gets passed is called AEPTimeout.

This makes the task of retrieving information about entry point timeout values easy for agent developers. Instead of looking for different strings like MonitorTimeout and CleanTimeout, agent developers just need to look for the string AEPTimeout.

For example, if an agent uses an attribute called PathName set to /tmp/foo, the parameters passed to the monitor entry point are:

If AEPTimeout is set to 0:

<resource-name> PathName 1 /tmp/foo

If AEPTimeout set to 1:

<resource-name> PathName 1 /tmp/foo AEPTimeout 1 <value of MonitorTimeout attribute>

Applying the same example for the clean entry point, the parameters are:

If AEPTimeout is set to 0:

<resource-name> <clean reason> PathName 1 /tmp/foo

If AEPTimeout is set to 1:

<resource-name> <clean reason> PathName 1 /tmp/foo AEPTimeout 1 <value of CleanTimeout attribute>

If the timeout attribute is overridden at the resource level, this mechanism takes care of passing the overridden value to the entry points for that resource.

See AEPTimeout.