
After the hares -action command has instructed the agent to perform a specified action, the agent waits for the number of seconds as specified in the ActionTimeout attribute (scalar-integer) to let the action entry point finish and after the time limit has been reached the agent terminates the running action entry as it might hung at any point. The value of ActionTimeout may be set for individual resources, if overridden.

The default is 30 seconds. The value of the ActionTimeout attribute is internally capped at MonitorInterval / 2.

If the ActionTimeout attribute is set to a value greater than MonitorInterval/2, then MonitorInterval/2 is used instead of ActionTimeout. If ActionTimeout value is less than MonitorInterval/2, then the ActionTimeout value is honored.


You can extend this value by using the VCSAgSetResEPTimeout (for C/C++ entry point) /VCSAG_SET_RES_EP_TIMEOUT (for script entry point). Use this API cautiously as setting a value higher than MonitorInterval / 2 might result in delay of next periodic monitor which is used to check the state of the resource.

See VCSAgSetResEPTimeout.