Verifying the intentional offline behavior of the VCS Oracle agent

Perform the following steps to verify if VCS Oracle agent determines a graceful shutdown of a resource as intentional offline.

  1. Bring the resource online.

    # hares -online ORA_oraprod -sys system

    Where system is the name of the system that has Oracle database installed.

  2. Verify that IntentionalOffline and MonitorOption attributes are set to 1.
  3. Stop the Oracle instance properly outside VCS control.

    # su - oracle

    # bash

    # bash-3.00$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba"

    The system displays the following message:
    SQL> shutdown immediate
    Database closed.
    Database dismounted.
    ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
  4. You can verify the log files to confirm if the shutdown was graceful.
    Sample log message:
    VCS INFO V-16-1-13470 Resource ORA_oraprod 
    (Owner: Unspecified, Group: ORA_PROD_Group) is offline on system. 
    (Intentional But NOT initiated by VCS) 

    Oracle agent has identified the Intentional offline for the resource.