Type definition for the Sybase agent

The resource type definition for the agent for Sybase is as follows.

type Sybase (
        static boolean AEPTimeout = 1
        static keylist SupportedActions = { "Storage checkpoint_all" }
        str Server
        str Owner
        str Home
        str Version
        str SA
        str SApswd
        str Run_ServerFile
        str User
        str UPword
        str Db
        str Table
        str Monscript = "/opt/VRTSagents/ha/bin/Sybase/SqlTest.pl"
        boolean WaitForRecovery = 0
        str interfaces_File
        int ShutdownWaitLimit = 60
        int DelayAfterOnline = 10
        int DelayAfterOffline = 2
        static int ToleranceLimit = 1
        static str ArgList[] = { Server, Owner, Home, Version, SA, 
        SApswd, User, UPword, Db, Table, Monscript, 
        WaitForRecovery, Run_ServerFile, State, in terfaces_File, 
        ShutdownWaitLimit, DelayAfterOnline, DelayAfterOffline }
        static int IMF{} = { Mode=3, MonitorFreq=5, RegisterRetryLimit=3 }
        static str IMFRegList[] = { Server, Owner }
        static str AgentDirectory = "/opt/VRTSagents/ha/bin/Sybase"