AMF kernel driver limitation for process offline event notification

On AIX platform , the pattern registered with AMF kernel driver for offline monitoring must appear within first 79 characters of the process command line. For offline IMF monitoring, Sybase agent registers the Sybase server binary name (dataserver/backupserver) and instance name with the AMF kernel driver. hence for IMF offline monitoring to provide event notification correctly, Sybase instance name must appear in the first 79 characters of the process command line.

A process having a longer pathname is truncated in the table, making it unrecognizable. The Sybase home directory ($SYBASE) could possibly have such a long pathname. In this case, you can create a soft link to the $SYBASE directory and use it in place of the long file name in the appropriate Sybase installation files.

Using a soft link pathname avoids the problems that arise due to the long pathname.

After creating the soft link on each system, you must edit the following files by making the appropriate substitutions:

If you are using RUN_Server files from non-default location, edit the respective files.

The following example demonstrates how to replace a $SYBASE pathname with a soft link.

To replace a $SYBASE pathname with a soft link

  1. On each system in the cluster, create a soft link to the long path name.
    # ln -s /opt/apps/sybase/home/directory/is/longer/than\
    eighty/characters/sybase /opt/link_to_longpath

    Now the process is invoked with the short pathname of the soft link.

  2. Edit the RUN_Server file.

    Example: The file RUN_Server resembles the following before the change:

    /than/eighty /characters/sybase/install/fw17i.log\
    After the replacement, the file resembles as follows:

  3. Make sure that the -s option and its argument (fw17i in the example) are the first to be listed. It must be placed within the first eighty characters of the file.

    For example, if you do not put the -s option and the argument in the first eighty characters, the command string that will be considered is as follows:


    In this case, the -s option is omitted and the AMF kernel driver fails to match the registered pattern and does not notify the process creation event. However, if you move the -s to be the first option, the first 80 characters of the command string for the same example appear as follows:


    In this case, the -s option is among the first eighty characters.