Adding nodes to a cluster that is using authentication for SFDB tools

To add a node to a cluster that is using authentication for SFDB tools, perform the following steps as the root user

  1. Export authentication data from a node in the cluster that has already been authorized, by using the -o export_broker_config option of the sfae_auth_op command.

    Use the -f option to provide a file name in which the exported data is to be stored.

    # /opt/VRTS/bin/sfae_auth_op \
    -o export_broker_config -f exported-data
  2. Copy the exported file to the new node by using any available copy mechanism such as scp or rcp.
  3. Import the authentication data on the new node by using the -o import_broker_config option of the sfae_auth_op command.

    Use the -f option to provide the name of the file copied in Step 2.

    # /opt/VRTS/bin/sfae_auth_op \
     -o import_broker_config -f exported-data 
    Setting up AT
    Importing broker configuration
    Starting SFAE AT broker
  4. Stop the vxdbd daemon on the new node.
    # /opt/VRTS/bin/sfae_config disable
    vxdbd has been disabled and the daemon has been stopped.
  5. Enable authentication by setting the AUTHENTICATION key to yes in the /etc/vx/vxdbed/ configuration file.

    If /etc/vx/vxdbed/ does not exist, then use cp /opt/VRTSdbed/bin/ /etc/vx/vxdbed/

  6. Start the vxdbd daemon.
    # /opt/VRTS/bin/sfae_config enable
    vxdbd has been enabled and the daemon has been started.
    It will start automatically on reboot.

The new node is now authenticated to interact with the cluster to run SFDB commands.