Failover within the same subnet of an AZ using virtual private IP

clusters let you fail over IPs - and thereby, the application configured for HA - within the same subnet of an AZ.

The following information is required:

Sample configuration with private IP

The following graphic depicts a sample failover configuration within the same subnet using a virtual private IP:

The sample configuration includes the following elements:

Sample service group configuration with private IP

The following snippet is a service group configuration from a sample configuration file (

group appnetworkSG (
 	SystemList = { ip-172-34-20-109 = 0, ip-172-34-30-231 = 1 }
 	AutoStartList = { ip-172-34-20-109, ip-172-34-30-231 }

 	AWSIP AwsIp_Res (
  		PrivateIP = ""
 	 	Device = eth0
 		 AWSBinDir = "/usr/local/bin"

 	IP Ip_Res (
	  	Device = eth0
  		Address = ""
  		NetMask = ""
 	NIC Nic_Res (
	  	Device = eth0

AwsIp_Res requires Ip_Res
Ip_Res requires Nic_Res