About the main.cf file for cluster 3

The contents of the main.cf file for cluster 3 (C3) in the bottom tier, containing the sysW and sysX nodes.

include "types.cf"

cluster C3 (
    ClusterAddress = ""

remotecluster C4 (
    ClusterAddress = ""

heartbeat Icmp (
    ClusterList = { C4 }
    AYATimeout = 30
    Arguments @C4 = { "" }

system sysW (

system sysX (

group RSG (
    SystemList = { sysW = 0, sysX = 1 }
    ClusterList = { C3 = 1, C4 = 0 }
    AutoStartList = { sysW, sysX }
    ClusterFailOverPolicy = Auto

    FileOnOff filec3 (
        PathName = "/tmp/filec3"