Conducting a search

The following describes the search procedure.

To conduct a search

  1. Click Search on the VEA console toolbar or select Tools > Search from the menu bar to open the Search window.
  2. Click the New Query tab to display the available search criteria.
  3. Select the object type from the drop-down list to the right of the words "Look for:" (near the top left corner of the window). The choices are Volumes, Disks, or Disk Groups.
  4. Select the attribute you want to search for. The available attributes depend on the object type.

    Attributes for Volume

    Attributes for Disk

    Attributes for Disk Group




    Volume Name

    Disk Group Name


    Disk Group Name





    Free Space


    Free Space

    FS Capacity

    FS Label

    FS Free Space


    "FS" means "File System."

  5. Define the limiter you want to use.

    The following options limit the searches:


    Finds all instances of the selected attribute.

    It is not necessary to enter more criteria in the text box below the limiter box. For example, searching Disk Groups for any Free Space returns all disk groups with free space available.


    Finds any of the selected attributes that contain the string that is entered in the text box below the limiter box.

    Contains acts as a wildcard (*) and searches for the string anywhere within a longer string. For example, searching Volumes for a name that contains "Stripe" returns all volumes that have the string "Stripe" anywhere in the volume name, including "Striped (H:)" and "JKStriped (J:)." Because searches are case-sensitive, "Stripe" does not find "A striped volume (L:)."


    Finds only an exact match with the string entered in the text box below the limiter box.

    It is useful for finding a specific volume, disk, or disk group on a very large system. For example, searching Disks for "Name is Harddisk1" returns Harddisk1. You must enter the exact information, including the drive letter or location for volumes.

    Is not

    Excludes the specific information entered in the text box below the limiter box.

    For example, searching Volumes for "FS Type is not FAT32" returns all volumes that are not formatted as FAT32.

  6. Enter the search string in the text box below the limiter box. Searches are not case-sensitive.
  7. ClickAdd to create the search term, which appears in the box to the right.

    If more than one search term is defined, they are joined by a logical "and" operator; that is, the result contains all of the search terms. For example, a search for the terms "Volumes with Free Space" and "any NTFS Volumes" results in a list of all volumes that both are formatted as NTFS and contain free space.

    The logical "or" operator is not provided in this search function.

    The Remove button can be used to delete a highlighted search term.

    The Save Query button lets you save the query you created for future use.

    Use the following steps to save a query:

    Save query

    • Click Save Query to open the Save Query window.

    • Enter a name to identify the query you want to save.

    • Enter a brief description of the search that the query performs.

    • Check the Active check box if you want the results of the query displayed in the VEA console.

    • Click OK to save the query.

  8. Click Search Now to complete the search.

    The search results appear in the lower pane.

    You can double-click a specific storage object (disk, volume, or disk group) in the search results to bring up the information in the VEA console.

  9. Click Save Results to save the results of the search.

    Do the following in the Save dialog box:

    Save dialog

    • Select the folder where you want to save the file.

    • Enter a name for the file in the File name field.

    • Click Save to save the file and close the dialog box. The file is saved as a text file with a .txt extension.

  10. Click Clear All to delete all the search terms and results. This allows for a new search.