
The vxclus utility makes it possible to bring a Microsoft Failover Clustering disk group online on a node with a minority of the disks in the disk group. The vxclus utility creates an entry in the Registry that enables the cluster resource to be brought online. Once vxclus enable is executed, you can bring the resource online with the Windows Server's Failover Cluster Manager snap-in.

With SFW, the vxclus utility has added keywords that allow a cluster disk group to reside on the same bus as the cluster node's system and boot disk. These keywords are necessary to support booting from a SAN. Also your hardware array must also have support for booting from a SAN. Refer to your hardware array manufacturer's instructions and the Microsoft Web site for more information about booting from a SAN.


The vxclus commands are needed only with Microsoft Failover Clustering.

Bringing cluster disk groups online on a node with a minority of the disk group's disks is described in more detail in the following topic:


Allows a cluster disk group to be brought online when a minority of disks in the disk group is available.


Disables the capability to bring a cluster disk group online when a minority of disks in the disk group are available.


Disables for all cluster disk groups on a node the capability to bring the disk group online when a minority of disks in the disk group is available. The cleanup option is not applicable to the UseSystemBus ON |OFF support.

UseSystemBus ON

Sets up the conditions to allow a cluster disk group to be created that can reside on the same bus as the cluster node's system or boot disk.

UseSystemBus OFF

Removes the capability of a creating a cluster disk group that can reside on the same bus as the cluster node's system or boot disk.

Typing the following sequence for each keyword brings up a description of its syntax:

vxclus <Keyword> -?


To avoid possible data corruption, make sure that a majority of a disk group's disks do not become available and online on one node while another node with a minority of the disk group's disks also has the disk group online.


Dynamic disks belonging to a Microsoft Disk Management Disk Group do not support the vxclus command.

More Information

Unable to bring a cluster disk group online when a minority of the disks in the disk group are available