vxassist snapback

vxassist [-o resyncfromreplica] [-b] [-f] [-g<DynamicDiskGroupName>] snapback <SnapVolumeName | DriveLetter |VmName |DrivePath>

Joins the broken plex back to the original volume and resynchronizes the two volumes. By default, the synchronization is done from the original volume to the snapshot mirror.


Dynamic disks belonging to a Microsoft Disk Management Disk Group do not support the vxassist snapback command.

The following attributes apply:

-o resyncfromreplica

Reverses the resynchronization, copying data from the snapshot mirror to the original volume


Performs the command in the background.


Forces the snapback. Use this option with care. Make sure that the volume is not in use.


Needed only if you use an internal volume name.


The name of the volume that is associated with the snapshot plex.


The drive letter of the snapshot volume.


Internal name of the volume; requires the use of the -g option, such as -gDG1 Volume1.


A volume that is mounted on an NTFS folder; it is indicated by a path to that folder.


vxassist snapback H:

This command joins the snapshot volume H back to the original volume.

vxassist snapback d:\mount1

This command snaps back the plex that is associated with the volume that is mounted on the d:\mount1 folder.