vxassist snapabort

vxassist [-o keepplex] [-g<DynamicDiskGroupName>] snapabort <VolumeName | DriveLetter> |VmName | DrivePath> [plex=<SnapPlexName>]

Aborts a snapshot mirror plex that has been attached to a volume through a prepare the volume for snapshot operation or a snapback operation by either deleting it or converting it to an ordinary mirror. In cases where the deleted snap plex is the last snap plex and the resulting volume is simple or striped, the vxassist snapabort command deletes the DCO log volume also.


Dynamic disks belonging to a Microsoft Disk Management Disk Group do not support the vxassist snapabort command.

The following attributes apply:

[-o keepplex]

Converts the snap plex to a mirror plex instead of deleting it.


Needed only if you use the internal volume name.


The path name of the original volume, such as \Device\HarddiskDmVolumes\DynDskGrp1\volume1.


The drive letter of the volume.


Internal name of the volume; requires the use of the -g option (for example, -gDG1 Volume1).


A volume that is mounted on an NTFS folder; it is indicated by a path to that folder.


Name of a mirror plex that was created when a prepare the volume for snapshot process began. You would need this only if you already prepared the volume for snapshot previously and you prepare the volume for snapshot again, and thus you have multiple snap plexes and want to abort one of them.

A <SnapPlexName> can be the plex name (such as Volume2-01) or the GUID of the mirror plex. A GUID is a unique internal number assigned to the plex. To determine the GUID for a given plex, use the command vxvol -v volinfo for the mirrored volume that contains the plex.


vxassist snapabort E:

This command aborts the prepare the volume for snapshot operation on volume E.

vxassist -o keepplex snapabort H: plex=Concatvol1-03

This command aborts the prepare the volume for snapshot operation on volume H, but it converts the plex Concatvol1-03 to a volume of the same type as the original volume. The reason the SnapPlexName had to be specified is that there were two snap plexes, because the vxassist prepare command had been invoked twice on volume H.

vxassist snapabort E: plex=volume1-0

This command aborts the prepare the volume for snapshot operation on volume E with the designated plex.