vxcbr write_signature

vxcbr [-f<FileName>] write_signature [<<DiskName>=<DiskSignature>>...]

If the signature on a disk is no longer readable, you must manually add the signature back to the disk. This ensures that the configuration information is restored to the disk. You can find the signature information from a backup of the disk. If you have one or two disks, you can indicate the disk names and signatures in the command line. However, if you have multiple disks, you may find it easier to create a separate file with the disk names and the corresponding disk signatures. The utility reads the information from a specified file.

The following attributes apply:


Name of the file that has disk names and signatures for each disk you want the write signature to be applied to. Use the format <DiskName>=<DiskSignature>. For example, Harddisk3=0x1234 Harddisk4=0xABCD.


Format for indicating the disk name and signature. See the example below.


vxcbr write_signature Harddisk3=0x1234 Harddisk4=0xABCD

Manually adds the 0x1234 signature to Harddisk3 and 0xABCD signature to Harddisk4.