vxsnap delete

For COW snapshot operations:

vxsnap -x <Filename> [-f] delete

Deletes the COW snapshots corresponding to the information in the specified XML file. The XML file is deleted after all the snapshots have been successfully deleted.

The following attributes apply:

-x <Filename>

Name of the file that stores the metadata for COW snapshots. The file is created by the vxsnap create command.


Forces the delete. Use this option with care.

Use the -f option when one or more snapshots in the snapshot set do not exist. For example, use the -f option when one or more snapshots in the snapshot set no longer exist because Windows has deleted older snapshots to make room for newer snapshots.


The name for the VSS Writer that is associated with the snapshots to be deleted.


vxsnap -x snapdata.xml delete writer="Microsoft Exchange Writer"

Deletes the Exchange COW snapshots corresponding to information in snapdata.xml.

vxsnap -x snapdata.xml delete writer=sqlserverwriter

Deletes the SQL COW snapshots corresponding to information in snapdata.xml.

vxsnap -x snapdata.xml delete

Deletes the COW snapshots corresponding to information in snapdata.xml.

vxsnap -x cow1.xml -f delete

Forces the deletion of the COW snapshots corresponding to information in cow1.xml.