Detailed steps for dynamic relayout

Dynamic Relayout lets you change dynamic volume layout types while the volumes are still online. You use both the Add Mirror command and the Remove Mirror command to complete the Dynamic Relayout process.

To complete the Dynamic Relayout process:

  1. Select the volume with the layout that you want to converted. Choose Mirror > Add from the context menu.
  2. Set the number of mirrors setting to 1. If desired, you can manually select the disks.

    To select the disks and use the Add or Add All button to move the disks you want to the Selected disks pane on the right side of the window.

    You may also check Disable Track Alignment to disable track alignment for the mirrors.

    Click Next to continue.

  3. Select the desired layout for the volume in the "Choose the layout" section of the window.

    If you choose striped, make sure that you have the number of columns desired and the stripe unit size that you want.

    Click Next to continue.

  4. When you are satisfied with your settings, click Finish.

    The program creates a mirror or plex of the original volume with the attributes of the new layout. If you no longer have a need for the original volume, you can remove it with Remove Mirror.

    You may want to review the information on how the program implements the dynamic relayout for each of the possible layout types.

  5. If you want to delete the original plex, right-click on it and select Mirror>Remove from the context menu. In the Remove Mirror window that appears, use the Add button to move the plex to be removed to the Selected mirrors pane on the right side of the window, and click OK.

    The process for converting the layout type on the volume is now complete.

More Information

Examples of dynamic relayout