Administering hosts for site-based allocation

For site-based allocation, hosts can be added or removed from a site through the Veritas Enterprise Administrator (VEA) or command line options.


Site name can take any alphanumeric values from 1 to 9, a...z, A....Z and valid characters like period (.), dash (-), and underscore ( _ ). It can be of maximum 31 characters long. Site names are case insensitive and saved in registry in small case even if user specifies the site names in upper case.

See Administering hosts for site-aware allocation through GUI.

See Administering hosts for site-aware allocation through CLI.


If storage is tagged with site information but host is not tagged with any site name, site aware allocation feature can still be used for such storage. However, if the storage is not tagged with any site information, it cannot be used for site-based allocation.