Linking the Volume Replicator RVG resources to establish dependencies

In the VCS Cluster Explorer window, link the resources in the RVG service group to establish the dependencies between the resources. Start from the top parent and link the following resources. Depending on the application you use, your resource names may be different.

Resources for the disk group for the application system files:

To link the Volume Replicator RVG resources

  1. In the left pane, select the RVG service group.
  2. Click the Link button in the right pane.
  3. To link the VvrRvg resource to the IP resource, click the parent resource, for example FS_RVG_SG_VvrRvg, and then click the child resource, for example FS_RVG_SG_-IP.
  4. When prompted to confirm, click OK.
  5. To link the VvrRvg resource to the VMDg or VMNSDg resource, click the parent resource, for example INST1_DB1_VvrRvg, and then click the child resource, for example INST1_RVG_SG-VMDg or INST1_RVG_SG-VMNSDg.
  6. When prompted to confirm, click OK.
  7. Repeat these steps to link all the RVG resources.

    Notice that when you enable a resource and the state of the entity which it is monitoring is online, the corresponding VCS agent reports status for that resource as online. You do not have to bring the resource online manually.