Enterprise Vault components supported by SFW

The following table lists the Enterprise Vault (EV) components that are supported by SFW.

Table: Enterprise Vault components supported by SFW




Directory Database

The Enterprise Vault Directory database holds configuration information for each site in the Directory (EnterpriseVaultDirectory).

Monitoring Database

Enterprise Vault has a Monitoring agent on each Enterprise Vault server. The Monitoring agents collect monitoring data at the scheduled intervals, usually every few minutes, and store it in the Enterprise Vault Monitoring database. If multiple EV sites share a Directory database, then they must also share a Monitoring database (EnterpriseVaultMonitoring).

Reporting database

The Reporting database stores reporting information that is generated from the collected Monitoring data. There is one Reporting database named EnterpriseVaultFSAReporting corresponding to the Directory database.

Auditing database

The Auditing database stores audit information. There is one Auditing database named EnterpriseVaultAudit corresponding to the Directory database.


A site comprises one or more Enterprise Vault servers running one or more Enterprise Vault services and tasks to archive items from specified targets.

In addition, a site also has a collection of vault stores, archiving policies that define how and when items are to be archived, and Retention Categories that define the duration for which the data can be stored before being deleted.


The Indexing Service indexes items as they are archived. There is one Index for each archive.

Vault Store Group

Vault Store Group (VSG) is a collection of Vault Stores that are configured to share data.

Fingerprint database

A Vault Store Group contains one or more Fingerprint Catalog databases (FDB) to hold a shared item's metadata.

Vault Store

Enterprise Vault organizes archives in entities called Vault Stores. Vault Stores contain one or more Enterprise Vault partitions. A partition can reside on any of the supported storage media.

Vault Store database

The Vault Store SQL databases contain information about every archive operation processed for all archives within a Vault Store. Both the Vault Store's database and the Vault Store's files must be complete to be able to retrieve messages from an archive.

Open Partition

In each Vault Store, there can be only one Open partition. This is the partition in which Enterprise Vault archives data.

An Open Partition is the current active Partition in which Enterprise Vault data is being written.

Ready Partition

Each Vault Store can have a number of Ready Partitions. A Ready Partition is the next available partition to be used.

Closed Partition

Each Vault Store can have any number of Closed Vault Store Partitions. Enterprise Vault does not archive content into partitions that are closed.