
VEA has introduced the concept of perspectives to separate distinct aspects of a connected system. A perspective is a filtered view of a system that exposes only certain operations and objects on that system. For example, the Logs perspective display only the Event and Task logs.

Assistant is another perspective that provides you with a list of the most common tasks on a host or a domain. You can select and perform your tasks on objects, without the need to know the objects. It is a task-based approach to perform the job at hand instead of an object-based approach.

The Control Panel is a perspective. It displays the configuration-related tasks available on the system to which you have connected. You can switch perspectives by selecting the appropriate option from the Perspective Bar displayed on the left side of the VEA window. You can also select a perspective using the View > Perspective menu.

The Assistant and Logs perspectives are displayed only on connecting to a VEA host.