Example: Using vxrsync for difference-based synchronization

The vxrsync utility can be used for synchronizing the Secondary after a break in the replication. This utility provides you the option of performing difference-based synchronization, instead of complete synchronization.

For information about alternative methods to synchronize the Secondary faster,

If for some reason the replication between london and seattle stops, then you need to start replication with complete synchronization. This can be time consuming. However, using the vxrsync utilities you can perform difference-based synchronization to send only those data blocks that are different from the Secondary.


The following steps assume that the Primary and Secondary RLINKs are detached.

To use vxrsync utility for difference-based synchronization

  1. On the Primary host london, checkstart the Primary RVG using the following command:
    vxrvg  - g vvr_dg  - c checkpt2 checkstart vvr_rvg
  2. Start vxrsync server on the Secondary host seattle by running the command:
  3. Start the vxrsync client on the Primary host london:
    vxrclient  - use london  - r vvr_rvg  - to seattle

    In this command the RVG name is provided as input, however you can also provide the volume names or a configuration file as inputs. This starts the difference-based synchronization process. Progress is displayed periodically at the client side that is on host london.

  4. After the synchronization completes, perform the following:

    • On the Primary host london, checkend the Primary RVG

      vxrvg  - g vvr_dg checkend vvr_rvg
    • Start the replication to Secondary using the checkpoint that you have created.

      vxrds  - g vvr_dg  - c checkpt2 startrep vvr_rvg seattle

      This command starts replication to Secondary after synchronizing from the mentioned checkpoint and the replication status is now ACTIVE.

More Information

Alternative methods to synchronize the Secondary faster