Uninstalling VRAdvisor on Windows

To uninstall VRAdvisor

  1. To uninstall VRAdvisor, go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs or, on Windows Server 2012 operating systems, on the Start screen, click Control Panel.
  2. Select Veritas Volume Replicator Advisor from the list of programs.
  3. Click Remove. Windows prompts you to confirm that you want to remove Volume Replicator Advisor.
  4. Click Yes. The Veritas Volume Replicator Advisor dialog box appears.

    The progress bar on the Veritas Volume Replicator Advisor dialog box indicates that the removal is in progress.

    After the uninstallation procedure completes, the Add or Remove Programs dialog box indicates that the Veritas Volume Replicator Advisor program has been removed successfully.