Alternative methods to synchronize the Secondary faster

The earlier sections have described in detail the various features of Volume Replicator along with the disaster recovery procedures. This section describes the alternate methods that can be used to synchronize the Secondary faster.

The methods are explained with the help of a sample configuration that is described in this section where two Volume Replicator hosts are located at two different, geographically remote locations. Take for example, London and Seattle, the Primary being at London and the Secondary at Seattle.

Veritas recommends that you use the Synchronize Automatically option when you start the replication initially, to make sure that the Secondary is completely synchronized with the Primary. Although Volume Replicator would ensure the integrity of data under all circumstances, trying to synchronize the Secondary over a WAN may become restricted, due to problems such as network errors, rate of application writes or bandwidth availability.

To enable faster synchronization, you can use one of the methods that are described in the following sections to minimize the time required. However, one requirement when you use these methods is that the replication status of Secondary must be Inactive, that is, the RLINKs are detached. You can verify this by using the vxprint -PVl <rvg> command.

The methods that are given below are described using the following sample Volume Replicator setup. Note that the host names are indicative of the locations where the host exists.

Sample setup to synchronize the Secondary faster:

For Primary host london, do the following:


Disk Group


Primary RVG


Primary RLINK to Secondary seattle

host ip


Primary data volume #1


Primary data volume #2


Primary Replicator Log volume

For Secondary host seattle, do the following:


Disk Group


Secondary RVG


Secondary RLINK to Primary london

host ip


Secondary data volume #1


Secondary data volume #2


Secondary Replicator Log volume

More Information

About using the command line interface