Converting a Primary to a Secondary

Use the vxrds makesec command to convert the specified Primary RVG to a Secondary RVG and associate it to the RDS, to which the RVG belongs. The oldsec_hostname parameter specifies the name of the host which is now the new Primary.

You must run this command only after you perform the Takeover operation.


Make sure that you run the vxrds makesec command only on the original Primary.

If the original Primary RVG is part of a VCS cluster and the RVGPrimary resource exists, then Volume Replicator fails the vxrvg makesec command for this RVG.

Syntax for vxrds makesec command

vxrds [-g <diskgroup>] makesec <local_rvg> <oldsec_hostname>


vxrds -g vvrdg makesec rvg host