Displaying the RDS

Use the vxrds printrvg command to display the list of RVGs on all the hosts in the RDS, to which the RVG belongs. The host name, the RVG name, and the disk group are displayed for each host in the RDS. If the RDS consists of a Bunker RVG, then in addition to the Primary and Secondary RVG, information about the Bunker RVG is also displayed. If the RVG parameter is not specified, all the RDSs on the local host are displayed. Use the -g <diskgroup> option to display all the RDSes in a particular disk group.

The -l option displays information in a long format. This format displays additional information such as the data volume count, the Replicator Log name, RLINK name for each RVG in the RDS, its state, and the replication mode.

The vxrds printrvg command output resembles

Replicated Data Set : rds
Primary :
								Hostname : pri_host <localhost>
								RvgName  : rvg
								DgName   : vvrdg
Secondary :
								Hostname : sec_host
								RvgName  : rvg
								DgName   : vvrdg

The vxrds printrvg command output in case of a setup that has Bunker RVG resembles

Primary :
								Hostname : pri_host <localhost>
								RvgName  : rvg
								DgName   : vvrdg
Secondary :
								Hostname : sec_host
								RvgName  : rvg
								DgName   : vvrdg
Bunker(Secondary) :
								Hostname : bunker_host
								RvgName  : rvg
								DgName   : vvrdg

Syntax for vxrds printrvg command

vxrds [-g<diskgroup>] [-l] printrvg [<local_rvg>]


vxrds -g vvrdg printrvg rvg