Growing the Replicator Log volume

Use the vxrds resizesrl command to grow the size of the Replicator Log volume to the specified length, uniformly across the Primary and Bunker host on the RDS. Do not use the vxassist growby command to resize the Replicator Log as this causes the replication to pause. You must therefore use either the vxrds resizesrl or vradmin resizesrl command to resize the Replicator Log uniformly across the Bunker and Primary host.

You can specify the length parameter in units of Mega Bytes (MB), Giga Bytes (GB) or Tera Bytes (TB). If you do not specify any suffix, such as K for KB, M for MB, G for GB and T for TB after the length parameter, then it is taken as MB by default.

Syntax for vxrds resizesrl command

vxrds [-g <diskgroup>] [-f] resizesrl <local_rvg> <length>


vxrds -g vvrdg resizesrl rvg 200M