Displaying a specific RLINK

Use the vxprint -Pl command to display detailed information about the status of an RLINK. This command prints one record per RLINK. The following table lists the information that is displayed in the output.

To view a specific RLINK, run the following command format:

vxprint -Pl [-g <diskgroup_name>]rlink_name

The options and related descriptions for this command is as follows:

Disk Group

Name of the disk group.


Name of the RLINK.


time-out, packet_size, bandwidth_limit, latency high, and low marks.


Displays the state of the RLINK - ACTIVE, STALE, etc.

synchronous, latencyprot, and srlprot

The current configuration settings for the replication mode, the latency protection, and Replicator Log protection.


The name of the RVG to which the RLINK is associated.


Displays the protocol that is used for replication between the Primary and Secondary.


Displays the information about the object state and replication status.