Displaying memory statistics using the vxmemstat command

The vxmemstat command with its options displays the memory usage information for the Volume Replicator memory pools. Volume Replicator uses different memory pools during replication. The output of the vxmemstat command can be used to obtain the memory usage information that can help to diagnose memory-related problems. When the command is used without any options then the command displays the usage information for all the memory pools. You may want to use the command with the appropriate options to display the outputs at the required time intervals. This command can be used on the Primary and on the Secondary.

Syntax for vxmemstat command:

vxmemstat [-i <interval>] [-d] [-u]

The output for vxmemstat resembles:

Vxmemstat output showing reduction factor

The following table describes the output parameters of the vxmemstat command.

Table: Output parameters of the vxmemstat command

Output Parameters



Displays the name of the memory pool and the maximum amount of memory that can be allocated to this pool.


Displays the amount of memory out of the allocated memory that the consumer of the memory pool uses.


Displays the amount of memory currently allocated to the memory pool, which ranges between the minimum and the maximum pool size.


Displays the number of I/Os waiting to allocate memory from the VOLIOMEM pool.

The following table describes the options that can be used with the vxmemstat command.

Table: vxmemstat command options




Displays the output record for each memory pool in a row format rather than the default tabular format.


Displays the statistics at the specified time intervals.


Displays the date and time after every pageful of information.

More Information

Tuning Volume Replicator