Dissociating a volume from an RVG

The vxvol dis command enables you to dissociate the specified volume from an RVG. If the volume that you plan to dissociate is a data volume then make sure that you have disabled data access to the RVG. If the volume is a Replicator Log then ensure that the Secondary is up-to-date before you dissociate it.

You can forcefully dissociate the data or Replicator Log volume using the -f option even when data access to the data volumes is enabled. However, this operation can result in data loss. Using this command, you can dissociate only one volume at one time.

Syntax for vxvol dis command

vxvol -g<DynamicDiskGroupName> [-f] dis <Volume:DriveLetter:VmName>


vxvol -g vvrdg dis rvg rep_log
vxvol -g vvrdg -f dis rvg volume

The following table describes the attributes that you can specify with the vxvol dis command.

Table: Attributes for vxvol dis command




Specifies the DeviceName of the volume. For example, \HarddiskDmVolumes\<diskgroup>\<volume name>


The drive letter of the existing volume.


Specifies the internal name of the volume. You can obtain this by using the vxvol volinfo <volume> command.