Displaying the tunable values

Use the vxtune command without any parameters to display the values that are currently assigned to the Volume Replicator tunables. Use the -r option with any of the command parameters to display the value in bytes. By default, the tunable value is displayed in kilobytes.

Syntax for vxtune command:

To display the default values for all the tunables:


To display the default value for a specific tunable:

vxtune <tunable>

The output for vxtune command resembles the following:

C:\Documents and Settings\administrator.INDSSMG>vxtune
vol_max_nmpool_sz = 16384 kilobytes
vol_max_rdback_sz = 8192 kilobytes
vol_min_lowmem_sz = 1024 kilobytes
vol_rvio_maxpool_sz = 32768 kilobytes
compression_window = 0 kilobytes
max_tcp_conn_count = 64
nmcom_max_msgs = 512
max_rcvgap = 5
rlink_rdbklimit = 16384 kilobytes
compression_speed = 7
compression_threads = 10
msgq_sequence = 1
vol_maxkiocount = 1048576
force_max_conn = False
tcp_src_port_restrict = False
nat_support = False