Displaying information about devices controlled by third-party drivers

The third-party driver (TPD) coexistence feature allows I/O that is controlled by third-party multi-pathing drivers to bypass Dynamic Multi-Pathing (DMP) while retaining the monitoring capabilities of DMP. The following commands allow you to display the paths that DMP has discovered for a given TPD device, and the TPD device that corresponds to a given TPD-controlled node discovered by DMP:

# vxdmpadm getsubpaths tpdnodename=TPD_node_name
# vxdmpadm gettpdnode nodename=TPD_path_name

For example, consider the following disks in an EMC Symmetrix array controlled by PowerPath, which are known to DMP:

# vxdisk list
DEVICE          TYPE           DISK       GROUP    STATUS
emcpower10s2    auto:sliced    disk1      ppdg     online
emcpower11s2    auto:sliced    disk2      ppdg     online
emcpower12s2    auto:sliced    disk3      ppdg     online
emcpower13s2    auto:sliced    disk4      ppdg     online
emcpower14s2    auto:sliced    disk5      ppdg     online
emcpower15s2    auto:sliced    disk6      ppdg     online
emcpower16s2    auto:sliced    disk7      ppdg     online
emcpower17s2    auto:sliced    disk8      ppdg     online
emcpower18s2    auto:sliced    disk9      ppdg     online
emcpower19s2    auto:sliced    disk10     ppdg     online

The following command displays the paths that DMP has discovered, and which correspond to the PowerPath-controlled node, emcpower10s2:

# vxdmpadm getsubpaths tpdnodename=emcpower10s2

c7t0d10s2emcpower10s2-           emcpower10s2  EMC        EMC0
c6t0d10s2emcpower10s2-           emcpower10s2  EMC        EMC0

Conversely, the next command displays information about the PowerPath node that corresponds to the path, c7t0d10s2, discovered by DMP:

# vxdmpadm gettpdnode nodename=c7t0d10s2

emcpower10s2 ENABLED  2      EMC           EMC0

More Information

Changing device naming for enclosures controlled by third-party drivers