Add a disk to a dynamic disk group

If you want to add more disks to a dynamic disk group after the group is created, use the Add Disk to Dynamic disk group command. You can also use this command to first create a new dynamic disk group and then specify the disks to be added to it.

To add a disk to a dynamic disk group

  1. Right-click a basic disk in the tree view or the Disk View tab in the right pane, and then select Add Disk to Dynamic Disk Group.
  2. The Add Disk to Dynamic disk group wizard appears. Click Next to continue.
  3. In the next screen, select one or more disks and the dynamic disk group you want to add them to.

    Optionally, check the Disk names prefix checkbox and enter a disk name prefix to give the disks in the disk group a specific identifier.

    This identifier precedes a system-generated numeric ID that SFW uses to distinguish the disks in the disk group.

    For example, entering TestGroup as the prefix for a disk group that contains three disks creates TestGroup1, TestGroup2, and TestGroup3 as internal names for the disks in the disk group.

    Click Next to continue.

    If you want to create a new dynamic disk group to add the disk to, click the New dynamic disk group button. The New dynamic disk group window appears to let you indicate the disk group name and characteristics.

    Details on the options for creating a disk group is available in the procedure on creating a dynamic disk group.

  4. A confirmation screen appears listing the selected disk or disks. Click Next to continue if you are satisfied with the selections, or choose Back to go back to modify your disk selection.

    For each disk, information is provided on whether it contains volumes and whether it will be updated. If it is not going to be updated, you will want to modify the selection.

  5. Click Finish in the final screen.

    You could also create a new disk group for the new storage.

    You can also remove a disk from a disk group.

More Information

Steps for creating a dynamic disk group

Create dynamic disk groups

Remove a disk from a dynamic disk group