

Displays a list of the dynamic disk groups on the computer.

list (CSDG)

Displays a list of the cluster-shared disk groups (CSDGs) on the computer.


Displays information about a specified dynamic disk group.

dginfo (CSDG)

Displays information about a specified cluster-shared disk group (CSDG).


Creates a dynamic disk group.

init (CSDG)

Creates a cluster-shared disk group (CSDG).


Adds a basic disk to a dynamic disk group.


Removes a disk from a dynamic disk group and reverts it back to a basic disk.


Imports the specified dynamic disk group on the computer.

import (CSDG)

Imports the specified cluster-shared disk group (CSDG) on the computer.


Deports the specified dynamic disk group on the computer.


Deletes the specified dynamic disk group on the computer.


Adds private dynamic disk group protection.


Removes private dynamic disk group protection.


Upgrades the disk group version to the current version (the default) or earlier version of Volume Manager.


Replaces the specified disk by moving all the subdisks to a spare disk.


Splits the specified dynamic disk group into two dynamic disk groups.


Recovers a dynamic disk group that fails because of a system crash or other problem during a dynamic disk group split operation.


Joins two dynamic disk groups into one larger dynamic disk group.


Imports diskgroups after system starts up to allow more time for storage to become available for applications.


Reclaim storage space from thin provisioned disks in a dynamic disk group.


Immediately cancel reclaim operation


Refreshes the disk group state on the system to support the new Deported Read-Only state for fast failover.

A dynamic disk group is identified by -g<DynamicDiskGroupName>, such as DynDskGrp1 or by its dynamic disk group ID (DgID). The DgID is an internal number assigned to the disk group. It can be viewed through the vxdg list or vxdg dginfo command.

A disk that is being added or removed is identified by its <DiskName> or by p#c#t#l# (where the #s corresponds to the port, channel, target, and LUN of a disk).

In early releases of Volume Manager for Windows, using vxdg adddisk to add the first basic disk to a dynamic disk group automatically created the first dynamic disk group (known as the primary dynamic disk group). If you then used vxdg adddisk to specify adding a disk to a dynamic disk group with a new name, a secondary dynamic disk group was formed.You must use the vxdg init command to create a dynamic disk group. The vxdg adddisk command now only adds disks to dynamic disk groups that have already been created.


In Storage Foundation for Windows, the primary dynamic disk group is the dynamic disk group that contains the boot or system disk. It is not necessarily the first dynamic disk group that is created.


In all versions of Volume Manager, occasionally if volumes arrived after commands like import, init, adddisk, and join are completed, subsequent commands like associating a drive letter might fail. However, in the Storage Foundation for Windows, these commands will wait until the volumes are ready to be used. If the volumes take a very long time to arrive (a rare case), the command may timeout so that the script will not hang. Users can use -o timeout=<n> to override the default timeout.

Typing the following sequence for each keyword brings up a description of its syntax:

vxdg <keyword > -?