

sfop - manages volumes, disk groups, and file systems


sfop [--autofspool=poolname | --noautofspool] [--fspool=poolname] dg create dgname [diskname=]disk ... :free: [diskname=]disk ...

sfop dg deport {dgname | disk} ...

sfop dg destroy {dgname | disk} ...

sfop dg diskadd [--fspool=poolname] dgname [diskname=]disk ... :free: [diskname=]disk ...

sfop dg diskrm dgname disk ...

sfop dg import {dgname | disk} ...

sfop [-x] [--sync] dg list [dgname ...]

sfop dg listdisk [dgname]

sfop dg mirroron dgname

sfop dg process [dgname ...]

sfop [--automount | --noautomount] [--mount | --nomount] fs clone [dgname:] [fspool:] fsname ... newname [mount=mount_dir]

sfop -g [--automount | --noautomount] [--mount | --nomount] dgname fs clone [fspool:] fsname ... newname [mount=mount_dir]

sfop [--automount | --noautomount] [--mount | --nomount] fs create [dgname:] [fspool:] fsname [attribute ...]

sfop -g [--automount | --noautomount] [--mount | --nomount] dgname fs create [fspool:] fsname [attribute ...]

sfop fs list [dgname:] [fspool:] fsname ...

sfop -g dgname fs list [fspool:] fsname ...

sfop [-w] fs mount [dgname:] [fspool:] fsname ... [mount=mount_dir]

sfop -g dgname fs mount [fspool:] fsname ... [mount=mount_dir]

sfop [-f] fs remove [dgname:] [fspool:] fsname ...

sfop [-f] -g dgname fs remove [fspool:] fsname ...

sfop fs umount [dgname:] [fspool:] fsname ...

sfop -g dgname fs umount [fspool:] fsname ...


The sfop utility manages volumes, disk groups, and file systems. Using the sfop utility, the administrator creates a pool of storage on which file systems are created and mounted. These file systems are referred to as pooled file systems. The multiple file systems created in the storage pool have equal access to the free disk space.

sfop simplifies storage management by providing a single interface to the administrator and by abstracting the administrator from many of the commands needed to create and manage volumes, disks groups, and file systems.

Cluster File System Issues

No cluster issues; command operates the same on cluster file systems.


dg create Creates a new disk group named dgname, using the specified disks. Available disks can be listed using the dg listdisk keyword. Disks are added to the specified autofspool or fspool, depending on the --autofspool, --noautofspool, and --fspool options. Disks after a :free: argument are explicitly added as free disks in the disk group, which can be used automatically for extending file system pools.
dg deport Detaches volumes and file systems in the specified disk group, making them available to be attached to another system.
dg destroy Detaches volumes and file systems in the specified disk group, then destroys the disk group.
dg diskadd Adds new disks to a disk group. Available disks can be listed using dg listdisk. Disks before a :free: argument are added to a pool specified with the --fspool=poolname option, or to the autofspool for the disk group, if there is such a pool. If there is no autofspool and for disks after :free: disks are added as general free space to the disk group.
dg diskrm Remove disks from a disk group. Disks that are currently in use within an fspool will first be removed from the pool.
dg import Attaches to volumes and file systems in the specified disk group.
dg list Lists all disk groups known to the system on which the command is run, or lists details about the specified disk groups.
dg listdisk
  Lists all disks for all disk groups if no disk group is specified. Otherwise, lists disks for the specified disk group.
dg mirroron
  Adds mirroring to the disk group. Available disks can be listed using dg listdisk.
dg process Process the specified disk groups known to this system. If no disk group is specified, processes all disk groups known to this system. Processing consists of mounting all file systems associated with any file system pools, and cleaning up any incomplete actions that may have resulted from a crash or other failure.
fs clone Clones the named pool-based file systems, giving the clones a name based on newname. If more than one file system is to be cloned, newname must contain the pattern "{fs}", which will be replaced by the original file system name. By default, the file system clones will be mounted as /fspool/dgname/[fspool/]fsname.
A different directory can be named by specifying mount=mount-dir. A pool can also set an alternate default mount point.
fs create Creates a file system named fsname in the given pool, the default pool for the named disk group, or the system default disk group’s default pool. By default, the file system will be mounted as /fspool/dgname[fspool/]fsname. A different directory can be named by specifying mount=mount-dir. Mount options can be specified using an attribute of options=mount-option[,mount-option]. A pool can also set an alternate default mount point.
fs list Lists all file system pool-based file systems on the system, in the specified disk group, or in the specified file system pool, or lists the specified file system pool-based file systems.
fs mount Mounts one or more pool-based file systems. Causes each file system to use the mount point directory specified when the file system was created, or to use the mount point last requested by an fsmount call. An alternate mount point can be specified with the mount=mount-dir option. If mount-dir contains the pattern "{fs}", the pattern that will be replaced with the file system name.
fs remove Removes a file system from a pool. Normally, this command will print the name of the fully resolved file system name and will ask the user to confirm the removal.
fs umount Unmounts one or more pool-based file systems.


-C Specifies the command keyword.
-T Specifies the type category keyword.
-f | --force Forces an operation to proceed regardless if the operation normally prompts for confirmation to proceed.
-g [[domain]:]dgname
  Specifies the disk group scope. A prefix of domain: indicates explicit use of the that domain as a scope. A prefix of only : indicates explicit use of this system’s local scope.
-n | --noremove | --nonremovable
  Creates the clone as non-removable when specified with the fs clone keyword. By default, if the file system udpates consume all available clones, clones are removed to avoid returning out-of-space errors and to prevent corruption of the clone images. Specifying -n, --noremove, or --nonremovable for a particular clone causes out-of-space errors to be returned instead.
-q Suppresses explanatory output.
-r | --ro | --readonly
  Mounts a file system as read-only. By default clones are mounted as read-only, while other file systems are mounted as read-write.
-v Displays underlying commands as they run.
-w | --rw | --readwrite
  Mounts a file system as writeable. By default clones are mounted as read-only, while other file systems are mounted as read-write.
-x Print extended information.
  Creates a default file system pool with the dg create keyword, which will be used for all disks added to the disk group that are not explicitly added as a spare disk or to another pool. If poolname is not specified, an unnamed pool is created that will be used whenever no pool name is given when a name is otherwise required in the context of a disk group. The default behavior of dg create is to create a default unnamed autofspool.
--automount | --noautomount
  If specified with the fs create, fs mount, or fs clone keywords, controls whether the file system will be remounted automatically whenever the disk group is imported, such as on a reboot. By default, the file system is automounted unless --nomount is specified.
  Add disks to the pool named poolname. When used with the dg create keyword, the specified pool will be created as part of creating the disk group, and the initial set of disks will be added to the pool. If --fspool is not specified and if --noautofspool is specified, dg create creates a default pool named default that contains all disks, unless an alternate pool or the free pool is requested.
--help Displays detailed help.
--mount | --nomount
  Specifies if the file system should be mounted with an fs create or fs clone operation. By default, the file system will be mounted.
  If specified with dg create, the default pool is not created. File system pools must be created and managed explicitly using the --fspool option or by using the fspool create keyword.
--remove | --removable
  If specified with fs create, creates the file system as removable. When there is more than one file system created in a pool, each consumes space from the pool and together they can fill up the pool. If you have a low-priority file system, you can mark it to be removed when the pool runs out of space.
--sync Synchronizes the on-disk state to ensure that the data is completely accurate. Specifying --sync may cause sfop to take longer to complete the operation.
  Traces commands or I/O.


To create a disk group named dg1 that contains disk1 and disk2:

# sfop dg create dg1 disk1 disk2

To add the disk disk3 to the diskgroup dg1:

# sfop dg diskadd dg1 disk3

To remove the disk disk1 from the diskgroup dg1:

# sfop dg diskrm dg1 disk1

To create a disk group named dg1, with disk2 being a mirror of disk1:

# sfop sg create dg1 disk1 :mirror:disk2

To add the disk disk2 as a mirror for disk1 in disk group dg1:

# sfop dg diskadd dg1 disk1 :mirror:disk2

To deport disk group dg1:

# sfop dg deport dg1

To import disk group dg1:

# sfop dg import dg1

To detach volumes and file systems in disk group dg1 and destroy the disk group:

# sfop dg destroy dg1

To list all disk groups known to the system:

# sfop dg list

To list details about the disk group dg1:

# sfop dg list dg1

To list all disks for all disk groups:

# sfop dg listdisk

To list all disks for disk group dg1:

# sfop dg listdisk dg1

To create the file system fs1 in the file system pool fspool1, which is part of the disk group dg1. By default fs1 will be mounted as /fspool1/dg1/fs1:

# sfop fs create dg1:fspool1:fs1

To create the file system fs1 in the file system pool fspool1, which is part of the disk group dg1, and specify the mount point as /mount1:

# sfop fs create dg1:fspool1:fs1 mount=/mount1

To mount the file system fs1 in the file system pool fspool1, which is part of the disk group dg1, to mount point /mount1:

# sfop -w fs mount dg1:fspool1:fs1 mount=mount1

To mount the file system fs1 in the file system pool fspool1, which is part of the disk group dg1, to mount point /mount1 and specify fs1 to be automounted:

# sfop -w --automount fs mount dg1:fspool1:fs1 mount=mount1

To remove the file system fs1 in the file system pool fspool1, which is part of the disk group dg1:

# sfop fs remove dg1:fspool1:fs1

To list pool-based file systems in the disk group dg1:

# sfop -g dg1 fs list

To list all pool-based file systems in system:

# sfop fs list

To create a clone of the pool based file system fs1, name the clone clone1, and mount the clone under mountclone1:

# sfop fs clone dg1:fspool1:fs1 clone1 mount=mountclone1


Simple Admin for Storage Foundation User’s Guide

VxFS 7.1 sfop(1M)