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vxcloud - manage Simple Storage Service (S3) cloud volume operations


vxcloud addtarget name=target_name host=host_address bucket=bucket_name access_key=access_key type={S3|BLOB} [endpoint=account_name] [secret_key=secret_key] [https={true|false}]

vxcloud edittarget target_name [host=host_address] [bucket=bucket_name] [access_key=access_key] [secret_key=secret_key] [https={true|false}] [endpoint=account_name]

vxcloud rmtarget target_name

vxcloud listtargets

vxcloud -g diskgroup connect target_name volume obj_size

vxcloud -g diskgroup disconnect volume

vxcloud [-g diskgroup] list

vxcloud help


The vxcloud utility performs administrative operations on S3 cloud volumes. Operations include
o creating, listing, editing and deleting cloud targets
o connecting cloud volumes to the target
o listing the cloud-volume connections


addtarget Creates a cloud target profile with the specified target name where:
o host is the web or local address of the S3 storage node.
o bucket is a container for objects stored in the S3 store. The bucket must be created in the S3 store before running the command.
o type is the type of cloud storage. For ex, S3 or BLOB.
o access_key is the access key obtained from the S3 or BLOB cloud vendor.
o secret_key is the secret key obtained from the S3 cloud vendor.
o endpoint is the account name obtained from the BLOB cloud vendor.
o https must be set to true or false. If you use HTTPS (recommended), specify true. The default value is true. Note that you do NOT need an SSL certificate to use https.
Note: S3 providers that authenticate requests with signature version 2 are supported.
edittarget Edits a cloud target profile with the specified target name.
Note: The change is effective only after the vxvm-vxcloud service restarts.
rmtarget Removes a cloud target profile with the specified target name.
Note: The change is effective only after the vxvm-vxcloud service restarts.
  Lists the cloud target profiles.
connect Connects a cloud volume with the specified S3 target name. After the volume is connected with the S3 target, all I/Os on the cloud volume are redirected to the specified target. Multiple cloud volumes can be connected to the same S3 target.
o obj_size is in bytes and should be equal to block size of file system. It should be less than 1048576 bytes(1M).
disconnect Disconnects a cloud volume from the specified S3 target.
Note: The change is effective only after the vxvm-vxcloud service restarts.
Note: In cluster environments, run the commands (addtarget, rmtarget, edittarget, connect, disconnect) manually on all the nodes in the cluster.
  Displays the cloud status of the volumes along with the cloud target details.


To display the list of cloud volumes across the disk groups:

vxcloud list Disk group: datadg VOLUME CLOUD STATUS TARGET OBJSIZE cloudvol1 on aws_s3 1024 vol1 off - - Disk group: clouddg VOLUME CLOUD STATUS TARGET OBJSIZE cloudvol1 on google_videos 1024 datavol1 off - -

To display the list of cloud volumes on a specific disk group:

vxcloud -g datadg list VOLUME CLOUD STATUS TARGET OBJSIZE cloudvol1 on aws_s3 1024 vol1 off - -

To create S3 targets:

vxcloud addtarget name=aws_s3 host=s3.amazonaws.com bucket=images access_key=AKYIISDKFH secret_key=F/FvKpxvXOXd4+bPnz https=true

To remove existing S3 targets:

vxcloud rmtarget aws_s3

To display the list of S3 targets:

vxcloud listtargets NAME HOST BUCKET ACCESS KEY HTTPS google_videos storage.googleapis.com videos GOOGK4MPG7SDKFJCUOT true aws_s3 s3.amazonaws.com images AKYIIADGSIHSDKFH true

To update the list of S3 targets:

vxcloud edittarget aws_s3 bucket=photos

VxVM 7.3.1 vxcloud(1M)