Configuring the I/O scheduler

The topic applies to SF Oracle RAC and SF Sybase CE.

Symantec recommends using the Linux 'deadline' I/O scheduler for database workloads. Configure your system to boot with the 'elevator=deadline' argument to select the 'deadline' scheduler.

For information on configuring the 'deadline' scheduler for your Linux distribution, see the operating system documentation.

To determine whether a system uses the deadline scheduler, look for "elevator=deadline" in /proc/cmdline.

To configure a system to use the deadline scheduler

  1. Include the elevator=deadline parameter in the boot arguments of the GRUB or ELILO configuration file. The location of the appropriate configuration file depends on the system's architecture and Linux distribution. For x86_64, the configuration file is /boot/grub/menu.lst

    • A setting for the elevator parameter is always included by SUSE in its ELILO and its GRUB configuration files. In this case, change the parameter from elevator=cfq to elevator=deadline.

  2. Reboot the system once the appropriate file has been modified.

    See the operating system documentation for more information on I/O schedulers.