Specifying allocation constraints for vxassist operations with the use clause and the require clause

The vxassist command accepts a variety of storage specifications for allocations. The require constraint and the use constraint are methods to specify detailed storage specifications for allocations. These constraints enable you to select disks from an intersection set or a union set of intended properties. You can specify the set of disks for allocations with more precision than the existing methods alloc and logdisk clauses. The use and require constraints can apply to data, log, or both data and log.

The constraints can be one of the following types:

For disk group version of 180 or above, the use and require type of constraints are persistent for the volume by default. The default preservation of these clauses enables further allocation operations like grow, without breaking the specified intents.

You can specify multiple storage specifications, separated by commas, in a use or require clause on the vxassist command line. You can also specify multiple use or require clauses on the vxassistcommand line.

See Interaction of multiple require and use constraints.

Use the vxassist intent management operations (setrule, changerule, clearrule, listrule) to manage persistent require and use constraints.

See Management of the use and require type of persistent attributes .