Displaying and specifying the system-wide default disk group

Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) enables you to define a system-wide default disk group.

To display the currently defined system-wide default disk group, use the following command:

#  vxdg defaultdg

If a default disk group has not been defined, nodg is displayed.

See the vxdg(1M) manual page.

You can also use the following command to display the default disk group:

# vxprint -Gng defaultdg 2>/dev/null

In this case, if there is no default disk group, nothing is displayed.

See the vxprint(1M) manual page.

Use the following command to specify the name of the disk group that is aliased by defaultdg:

# vxdctl defaultdg diskgroup

Where diskgroup is one of the following:

See the vxdctl(1M) manual page.