Working with existing ISP disk groups

The Intelligent Storage Provisioning (ISP) feature of Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) has been deprecated. This release does not support creating ISP disk groups. If you have existing ISP disk groups, you can import the disk groups without upgrading the disk group version. In this case, you cannot perform any operations on ISP volumes that would result in a configuration change. In addition, you cannot use any of the current release functionality that requires the upgraded disk group version.

You can upgrade an ISP disk group to the current disk group version. This operation converts all ISP volumes to standard (non-ISP) volumes and deletes ISP-specific objects. The ISP-specific objects include st pool, volume template, capability, and rules. This operation does not affect non - ISP volumes.


When you upgrade the ISP disk group, all intent and storage pools information is lost. Only upgrade the disk group when this condition is acceptable.

To determine whether a disk group is an ISP disk group

To upgrade an ISP disk group

To use an ISP disk group as is

The ISP volumes in the disk group are not allowed to make any configuration changes until the disk group is upgraded. Attempting any operations such as grow shrink, add mirror, disk group split join, etc, on ISP volumes would give the following error:

This disk group is a ISP disk group. Dg needs to be migrated to
non-ISP dg to allow any configuration changes. Please upgrade 
the dg to perform the migration.


Non-ISP or VxVM volumes in the ISP disk group are not affected.

Operations that still work on ISP disk group without upgrading: