Creating multi-volume file systems

When a multi-volume file system is created, all volumes are dataonly, except volume zero, which is used to store the file system's metadata. The volume availability flag of volume zero cannot be set to dataonly.

As metadata cannot be allocated from dataonly volumes, enough metadata space should be allocated using metadataok volumes. The "file system out of space" error occurs if there is insufficient metadata space available, even if the df command shows that there is free space in the file system. The fsvoladm command can be used to see the free space in each volume and set the availability flag of the volume.

Unless otherwise specified, VxFS commands function the same on multi-volume file systems as the commands do on single-volume file systems.

The following procedure is an example of creating a multi-volume file system.

Example of creating a multi-volume file system

  1. After a volume set is created, create a VxFS file system by specifying the volume set name as an argument to mkfs:

      # mkfs -V vxfs /dev/vx/rdsk/dg1/myvset
        version 11 layout
        62914560 sectors, 31457280 blocks of size 1024, log size 65536 blocks
        rcq size 2048 blocks
        largefiles supported
        maxlink not supported

    After the file system is created, VxFS allocates space from the different volumes within the volume set.

  2. List the component volumes of the volume set using of the fsvoladm command:
      # mount -V vxfs /dev/vx/dsk/dg1/myvset /mnt1
      # fsvoladm -H list /mnt1
     devid   size    used     avail    name
      0     10 GB   74.6 MB  9.93 GB  vol1
      1     20 GB   16 KB    20.0 GB  vol2
  3. Add a new volume by adding the volume to the volume set, then adding the volume to the file system:
      # vxassist -g dg1 make vol5 50m
      # vxvset -g dg1 addvol myvset vol5
      # fsvoladm add /mnt1 vol5 50m
      # fsvoladm -H list /mnt1
      ddevid   size        used       avail    name
       0      10 GB      74.6 MB    9.93 GB   vol1
       1      20 GB       16 KB     20.0 GB   vol2
       2      50 MB       16 KB     50.0 MB   vol5
  4. List the volume availability flags using the fsvoladm command:
      # fsvoladm queryflags /mnt1
    volname       flags
    vol1          metadataok
    vol2          dataonly
    vol5          dataonly
  5. Increase the metadata space in the file system using the fsvoladm command:
      # fsvoladm clearflags dataonly /mnt1 vol2
      # fsvoladm queryflags /mnt1
    volname       flags
    vol1          metadataok
    vol2          metadataok
    vol5          dataonly

More Information

Creating a volume set